
There is a quote from the movie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower that I have been thinking of today. It's a profound statement referring to how we perceive ourselves and the kind of relationships we choose.

" We accept the love we think we deserve."

Love is never perfect. We will always find things about our partner we would like to change but how often do we settle rather than allowing ourselves to contemplate an alternative? All the time; it's less complicated that way. It must be another defect in us as  humans because animals don't behave that way. I admire the Black Widow spider who would simply eat her mate if he didn't suite her... or forgot to do absolutely everything. No digging required.

I guess the fact is I have allowed myself to accept less than I feel I deserve and now I have to fix it.  I get so upset when my mother allows people to take advantage but yet, I am perhaps no better. I may be passive aggressive but I'm never going to be labeled as submissive.

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